Dendrobium kingianum, large form

Although very different in form to the little pink rock orchid, posted a few weeks ago, this seems to be just a different cultivar of Dendrobium kingianum. It has striking tall stems and is beautiful just as a foliage plant. The flowers are only a little bigger than the pink form, and they come a little later. It sends up a new set of stems after flowering. Very easy going. This year it will fill the pot, so I’ll see how it responds to crowding.

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Dockrillia linguiformis, a.k.a. the tongue orchid, from the shape of the leaves. A local orchid with these lovely flowers at the break of spring. Happy with very little, it grows on a section of wood, just hanging on an East facing wall. Finding the right spot for it took a while, and it slowly declined in various sheltered spots until I found the current one. It probably needs rain exposure and a little shade to do best.

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