New beds


These beds will be a change. Flat land is not a feature of this property, and here I’ve tried making two small terraces with a goat track in between. This is the last of the beds made by the previous owner, which have sat covered in black plastic and cardboard for some time. Mum and Dad helped me pull that off, exposing this sloping plot beneath a corrugated metal retaining wall, but inside the old fenced area. There was at least one big ants’ nest underneath, so we pretty much left it as it was, uncovered to let them move on. 

Yesterday I got back and had a dig. The soil is great; very deep and loose, and probably free draining like the rest. It was way too steep to use though, hence the two little terraces. The top one will be great for plants that like it dry and warm, so I’m guessing tomatoes and capsicums, but I gather I shouldn’t plant those out till September, so meantime I’ll have a think about a quick crop. Maybe more radishes and beets. There’s no rain forecast for a while, and I’m circumspect about watering from the tanks (it’s the only water we have), so there’s no hurry to plant just yet. Meanwhile it’s got manure and lime, and can sit and wait, and dream of rain.