This sundew looked so pretty in the sun this morning. It’s Drosera capensis, from South Africa.
My plants are about 3rd generation, from a plant that stowed in growing with a pitcher plant. They have stems of little pink flowers, which open one per day, then hundreds of dust-like seeds that germinate freely in the right spot.
Keeping these is all about the potting medium. They will not tolerate fertilizer, so specialty mixes are necessary. Sphagnum, peat, sand and perlite are all good, singly or in combination. These ones are growing in pure perlite. The other requirement is wet feet. For indoors I grow them in pots without drainage holes, and keep them topped up with distilled water. Tap water eventually causes accumulation of salts with this system, which they won’t tolerate. These outdoor plants (pictured) sit in a saucer and do pretty well with rainfall, with a tap water sprinkle if the saucer dries out.
They are full-sun plants. The more sun they get the redder they blush and the more dew they make. Outdoors they will catch all the insects they need for strong growth.