This is a good climate for having orchids out in trees. Our Summers are warm, wet and humid, so many orchid types like to have their roots in the air or under a light cover of leaf litter. The driveway down to our house has a few old standing stumps and a couple of trees which get a good dappled shade. This Cymbidium had its pot broken in the move (or it might have just burst out of it, they have massive root systems), so I just wedged the root ball in the fork of this stump. I put some leaf litter around and under it, but basically it is suspended there with wind blowing under and round the roots. Even after our very dry Winter, though, it has come through with two lovely spikes and is looking very pretty. We shall see if it is happy enough to put on a good number of new shoots after flowering.
Next to it, but with similar leaves, is my Miltonia, which used to climb out of its pot each year with its long runners. I have left it in the pot, but set it up against a step in the stump, so that the runner sits nicely on it and can scramble over it. It’s also looking happy and putting on new shoots, and I will be interested if the roots start to grasp the wood.
I have put a few different types of orchids in trees, so will report them as and when they flower. Next will be the Dendrobium nobile, which has buds about to burst.